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ADR classes

1 class

Explosives and articles (hazard class 1, ADR-1, ADR-1)

(exploding bomb): black; background: orange; the figure “1” in the bottom corner.2 classGases (hazard class 2, ADR-2, ADR-2)td>Non-flammable gases.2.3

Flammable gases

Chemically unstable.

Additional information about the class: pressure, under which the gas is in the vessel. Substances and articles of Class 2 Gases may have various additional hazardous properties. Depending on their hazardous properties, they belong to one of the following groups:

  • A – asphyxiant
  • O – oxidizing
  • F – highly flammable
  • T-toxic
  • TF-toxic, flammable
  • TC-toxic, corrosive
  • TO-toxic, oxidizing
  • TFC – toxic, flammable, corrosive
  • TOC – toxic, oxidizing, corrosive

Substances and articles of Class 2 are divided into:

  • Compressed gases: gases with a critical temperature below 20 ° C.
  • Liquefied gases: gases with a critical temperature of 20 ° C or higher.
  • Refrigerated liquefied gases: gases that are partly in the liquid state during transport because of their low temperature.
  • Gases dissolved under pressure: gases that are dissolved in the solvent during transport
  • Aerosol dispensers and small containers containing gas (gas cartridges)
  • Other articles containing gas under pressure
  • Gases not under pressure falling under special requirements (gas samples).

Class 3Highly flammable liquids (class of danger 3, ADR-3, ADR-3) Additional information about the class: Class 3 substances are gas oil, diesel fuel and (light) heating oil with a flashpoint above 61 ° C, but not above 100 ° C. Flammable liquids must be assigned to one of the following groups of packages, depending on the degree of danger they present during transport:

  • 3.1 – Highly flammable substances: flammable liquids with a boiling point or boiling point are not above 35 ° C and flammable liquids with a flashpoint below 23 ° C, which are either highly toxic or highly corrosive
  • 3.2 – Medium-risk substances: flammable liquids with a flashpoint below 23 ° C which are not assigned to packing group I.
  • 3.3 – Substances with a low degree of danger: flammable liquids with a flash point of 23 ° C to 61 ° C inclusive.

< h3>4 classHighly flammable substances and materials (hazard class 4, ADR-4, ADR-4)

 ADR classes 1

Explosive materials, which in their properties can explode, cause a fire with explosive action, as well as devices containing explosives and explosives intended for the production of pyrotechnic effects.

ADR classes 1.1

Substances and products that characterize (explosion with a mass is an explosion that almost instantaneously spreads over the entire cargo).

 ADR classes 1.2

Substances and products, which are characterized by the danger of spreading, but do not create the danger of a mass explosion.

classes ARE 1.3

Substances and products that are characterized by a fire hazard, danger of explosion, or insignificant but either are not characterized by the danger of a mass explosion: a) which, during combustion, emit a significant amount of radiant heat, or b) which, after igniting one another, are characterized by a slight explosive effect or scattering or both.

ADR classes 1.4

Substances and products representing only a minor explosion hazard in case of ignition or initiation during transport. Effects are manifested mainly within the package, while the release of fragments of considerable size or a significant distance is not expected. The external fire should not cause almost instantaneous explosion of almost the whole contents of the package.

ADR classes
 ADR classes
ADR classes 2

Gases, which include pure gases, gas mixtures, mixtures of one or more gases with one or more other substances and products containing such substances. Gas is a substance that: a) at a temperature of 50 ° C has a vapor pressure of more than 300 kPa (3 bars); or b) is completely gaseous at a temperature of 20 ° C and a normal pressure of 101.3 kPa.


Non-flammable toxic gases.


Highly flammable toxic gases.


Chemically unstable poisonous. p>

ADR classes  ADR classes Flammable gases Symbol (flame): black or white; background: red; digit “2” in the bottom corner.
ADR classes ADR classes Non-flammable, non-toxic gases Symbol (gas cylinder): black or white; digit “2” in the bottom corner.
ADR classes Toxic gases.
ADR classes 3

Highly flammable liquids, which include liquid substances and articles containing substances of this class that:

  • have a vapor pressure at 50 ° C not more than 300 kPa (3 bars) and are not completely gaseous at 20 ° C and the norm at a pressure of 101.3 kPa;
  • have a flash point not higher than 61 ° C (for the corresponding test, see subsection

Class 3 includes liquid substances and solids in a molten state with a flashpoint above 61 ° C which are transported or transported in a hot state at a temperature equal to or higher than the flash point, and also liquid desensitized explosives, explosives , dissolved or suspended in water or other liquid substances to provide mations homogeneous liquid mixture to suppress their explosive properties.

 ADR classes 4

Flammable substances and materials (other than those classified as explosive) that can easily catch fire from external sources of ignition during transport, resulting in a moisture absorption, spontaneous chemical transformations, and also with heating.

ADR classes 4.1

Highly flammable solids. Class 4.1 includes flammable substances and articles, desensitized explosives that are solids, and self-reactive liquids or solids.

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